WHELM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED has a Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of U31909WB2021PTC249836. You can reach them via email at imtiazahmed.bolpur@gmail.com or visit their registered address at c/o Fazlul Haque Khan, Nichu Bandh Gora Dakshin Palli, Word No.7, Bolpur Bhirbhum Birbhum WB 731204 IN.
Incorporated on 24/11/2021, WHELM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED is classified as a Non-govt company company and is registered with RoC-Kolkata. The authorized share capital is 1000000, and the paid-up capital is 500000.
WHELM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30/09/2022, and according to records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 24/11/2021.
THE directors of WHELM INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITED are Imtiaz Ahmed Molla, Imtiaz Ahmed Molla.
The current status of the company is Active.
Basic information
CINU31909WB2021PTC249836Registration Number249836Date of IncorporationNov 24, 2021Registered StateRoC-KolkataRegistration Of CompaniesCategoryCompany limited by SharesSub CategoryNon-govt companyClass of CompanyPrivateCompany Status(for efiling)Active
Share Capital Information
Authorised Capital₹ 10,00,000 Paid up Capital₹ 5,00,000Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)0
Listing & Annual Information
Whether Listed or notUnlistedDate of last AGM30/09/2022Date of Balance Sheet31/03/2022Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained-Suspended at stock exchange-Principal Business ActivityManufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus N.E.C.
Charge Details
No charge details exists for this company.
Contact Information
Email Idimtiazahmed.bolpur@gmail.comRegistered Office Addressc/o Fazlul Haque Khan, Nichu Bandh Gora Dakshin Palli, Word No.7, Bolpur Bhirbhum Birbhum WB 731204 IN
Nov 24, 2021
Category - Company limited by Shares; Sub Category - Non-govt company
Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus N.E.C.
No charge details exists for this company.
c/o Fazlul Haque Khan, Nichu Bandh Gora Dakshin Palli, Word No.7, Bolpur Bhirbhum Birbhum WB 731204 IN
Disclaimer: Vakilsearch assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The data is derived from mca.gov.in and ipindia.gov.in