HESA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED has a Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of U72500TG2020PTC143242. You can reach them via email at team@jymas.com or visit their registered address at 1-4-158/136 Saipuri Colony Kapra, Sainikpuri Hyderabad Hyderabad TG 500094 IN.
Incorporated on 27/08/2020, HESA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is classified as a Non-govt company company and is registered with RoC-Hyderabad. The authorized share capital is 1000000, and the paid-up capital is 10000.
HESA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on -, and according to records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 27/08/2020.
The current status of the company is Active.
Basic information
CINU72500TG2020PTC143242Registration Number143242Date of IncorporationAug 27, 2020Registered StateRoC-HyderabadRegistration Of CompaniesCategoryCompany limited by SharesSub CategoryNon-govt companyClass of CompanyPrivateCompany Status(for efiling)Active
Share Capital Information
Authorised Capital₹ 10,00,000 Paid up Capital₹ 10,000Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)0
Listing & Annual Information
Whether Listed or notUnlistedDate of last AGM-Date of Balance Sheet-Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintained-Suspended at stock exchange-Principal Business ActivityComputer and related activities
Category - Company limited by Shares; Sub Category - Non-govt company
Computer and related activities
No charge details exists for this company.
1-4-158/136 Saipuri Colony Kapra, Sainikpuri Hyderabad Hyderabad TG 500094 IN
Disclaimer: Vakilsearch assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The data is derived from mca.gov.in and ipindia.gov.in