EARUM AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED has a Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of U01407GJ2012PTC071296. You can reach them via email at - or visit their registered address at 6, Rushabh Flat, B/h. Surjan Tower Nr. Sharda School, Memnagar Ahmedabad Gujarat INDIA 380052.
Incorporated on 26/07/2012, EARUM AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED is classified as a Indian Non-Government Company company and is registered with RoC-Ahmedabad. The authorized share capital is 100000, and the paid-up capital is 100000.
EARUM AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on -, and according to records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 26/07/2012.
The current status of the company is ACTIVE.
Basic information
CINU01407GJ2012PTC071296Registration Number-Date of IncorporationJul 26, 2012Registered StateRoC-AhmedabadRegistration Of CompaniesCategoryCompany Limited by SharesSub CategoryIndian Non-Government CompanyClass of CompanyPrivateCompany Status(for efiling)ACTIVE
Share Capital Information
Authorised Capital₹ 1,00,000 Paid up Capital₹ 1,00,000Number of Members(Applicable in case of company without Share Capital)-
Listing & Annual Information
Whether Listed or not-Date of last AGM-Date of Balance Sheet-Address other than R/o where all or any books of account and papers are maintainedSuspended at stock exchangePrincipal Business ActivityAgriculture and Allied Activities
Charge Details
No charge details exists for this company.
Contact Information
Email Id-Registered Office Address6, Rushabh Flat, B/h. Surjan Tower Nr. Sharda School, Memnagar Ahmedabad Gujarat INDIA 380052
Jul 26, 2012
Category - Company Limited by Shares; Sub Category - Indian Non-Government Company
Agriculture and Allied Activities
6, Rushabh Flat, B/h. Surjan Tower Nr. Sharda School, Memnagar Ahmedabad Gujarat INDIA 380052
Disclaimer: Vakilsearch assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The data is derived from mca.gov.in and ipindia.gov.in